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HomeIslamic HistoryScholarsShaykh `Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghudda

Shaykh `Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghudda

d. 11 Shawwal 1417 in Riyadh (Sunday 16 February 1997)

Buried in al-Baqi`, Madina

BIBLIOGRAPHY of his updated annotated editions and original works

Published by Maktab al-Matbu`at al-Islamiyya, Islamic Publishing’s House.

Collected and translated by G.F. Haddad

(revised & modified) 7/31/99

1. al-Raf` wa al-Takmil fi al-Jarh wa al-Ta`dil. The sum of elevation and completion concerning the science of narrator-authentication. By Imam (Mohammad Abdul Hai) al-Lucknowi. 3rd ed. 564 p.

2. al-Ajwiba al-Fadila li al-As’ila al-`Ashra al-Kamila fi `Ulum al-Hadith. The excellent answers to the ten questions on the sciences of hadith. By Imam (Mohammad Abdul Hai) al-Lucknowi. 3rd ed.

3. Iqamat al-Hujja `ala anna al-Ikthar fi al-Ta`abbud Laysa bi Bid`a. The establishment of the great proof whereby abundance in acts of devotion is not an innovation. By Imam (Mohammad Abdul Hai) al-Lucknowi. 3rd ed.

4. Risalat al-Mustarshidin. Treatise for the Seekers of Guidance. By Imam al-Harith ibn Asad al-Muhasibi. 8th ed. Beirut 1415.

5. al-Tasrih bi ma Tawatara fi Nuzul al-Masih. The declaration of the highly authentic reports on the descent of the Christ. By Imam Mohammad Anwar Shah al-Kashmiri. 5th ed.

6. al-Ihkam fi Tamyiz al-Fatawa `an al-Ahkam wa Tasarrufat al-Qadi wa al Imam. Exactitude in distinguishing religious opinions from legal rulings and the action of the judge from that of the imam. By Malkite faqih Imam Shihab al-Din Abu al-`Abbas al-Qarafi. 2nd ed.

7. Fath Bab al-`Inaya bi Sharh Kitab al-Niqaya. Opening the gate of painstaking study: commentary on the “Book of the Selections” in Hanafi jurisprudence. By Imam `Ali al-Qari. Part One.

8. al-Manar al-Munif fi al-Sahih wa al-Da`if. The lofty beacon on sound and weak narrations. By Imam Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya. 5th ed.

9. al-Masnu` fi Ma`rifat al-Hadith al-Mawdu`. The well-tended treatise on knowing forged narrations. By Imam `Ali al-Qari. 3rd ed.

10. Fiqh Ahl al-`Iraq wa Hadithuhum. The Jurisprudence of the scholars of Iraq and the narrations that have reached them. By the Verifying Imam Mohammad Zahid al-Kawthari. 2nd ed.

11. Mas’alat Khalq al-Qur’an wa Atharuha fi Sufuf al-Riwat wa al-Muhaddithin wa Kutub al-Jarh wa al-Ta`dil. The question of the creation of the Qur’an and its effect among the narrators and hadith scholars as well as on the books of narrator-authentication. By Shaykh `Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghudda.

12. Khulasat Tadhhib Tahdhib al-Kamal fi Asma’ al-Rijal. The epitome of the hadith master al-Khazraji’s “Teaching of the Emendation of the book entitled: The Completion” which concerns the biographies of narrators and which is the best of the abridged books on the topic, containing a biography of the author Al-Hafiz Al-Khazraji. 5th ed.

13. Safahat min Sabr al-`Ulama’ also Shada’id Al-Ilm wa Tahseal. Pages on the fortitude of scholars while studying and collecting knowledge. By Shaykh Abu Ghudda. 4th ed. 500 p.

14. Qawa`id fi `Ulum al-Hadith. Foundations of hadith science. By the savant Zafar Ahmad al-`Uthmanal-Tahanawi. 6th ed.

15. Radd `ala Abatil wa Iftira’at Nasir al-Albani wa Sahibihi Sabiqan Zuhayr al-Shawish wa mu’azirihima. Exposing the falsehoods and slanderous fabrications of Nasir al-Din Albani and his former friend Zuhayr al-Shawish and their supporters. By Shaykh Abu Ghudda. 2nd ed.

16. Qa`ida fi al-Jarh wa al-Ta`dil wa Qa`ida fi al-Mu’arrikhin. Basic manual on narrator-authentication & basic manual on Islamic historians. By Taj al-Din al-Subki. 5th ed.

17. al-Mutakallimun fi al-Rijal. The experts in narrator-authentication. By the hafiz and historian `Abd al-Rahman al-Sakhawi. 4th ed.

18. Dhikru man Yu`tamadu Qawluhu fi Al-Jarh wa al-Ta`dil. Those whose opinions in narrator-authentication are relied upon. By the hafiz and historian al-Imam al-Dhahabi. 4th ed.

19. al-`Ulama’ al-`Uzzab al-Ladhina Atharu al-`Ilm `ala al-Zawaj. The unmarried scholars who preferred the Science to marriage. By Shaykh Abu Ghudda. 4th ed. Beirut 1410.

20. Qimat al-zaman `ind al-`ulama’. The importance of time among the scholars. By Shaykh Abu Ghudda. 6th ed. Beirut 1415.

21. Qasidat `Unwan al-Hikam. The poem “The title of wisdoms.” By Abu al-Fath al-Busti. 4th ed.

22. al-Muqizatu fi `Ilm Mustalah al-Hadith. The awakening concerning the science of hadith terminology. By hafiz al-Dhahabi. 2nd ed.

23. Lamahat fi Tarikh al-Sunna wa `Ulum al-Hadith. Brief review of the history of the Sunna and the sciences of hadith. By Shaykh Abu Ghudda. 2nd ed.

24. Tarajimu Sittatin min Fuqaha’ al-`Alam al-Islami fi al-Qarnal-Rabi` Ashar. Biographies of six jurisprudents of the Islamic world in the previous century. By Shaykh Abu Ghudda.

25. al-Bahir fi Hukm al-Nabi salla Allah `alayhi wa sallam fi al-Batin wa al-Zahir. The dazzling light on the Prophet’s ruling concerning inward and outward matters. By Imam Suyuti. Introduction by By Shaykh Abu Ghudda.

26. al-Intiqa’ fi Fada’il al-Thalatha al-A’imma al-Fuqaha’ Malik wa al-Shafi`i wa abi hanifa. The choice on the excellent merits of the three great jurisprudent Imams: Malik, Shafi`i, and Abu Hanifa. By Ibn `Abd al-Barr.

27. Tartib Takhrij Ahadith al-Ihya’ li al-hafiz al-`iraqi. The classification of the hadith master al-`Iraqi’s documentation of the narrations cited in al-Ihya by Imam Ghazali’s. By Shaykh Abu Ghudda.

28. al-Jam` wa al-Tartib li Ahadith Tarikh al-Khatib. Compilation and classification of the narrations cited in the History of Numbered & Indexed al-Khatib al-Baghdadi’s “History.” By Shaykh Abu Ghudda.

29. Sunan al-Nasa’i. Nasa’i’s “Traditions of the Prophet.” Edited and classified By Shaykh Abu Ghudda..

30. al-Tarqim wa `Alamatuhu fi al-Lugha al-`Arabiyya. Diacritical punctuation and its signs in the Arabic language. By Ahmad Zaki Pasha. 2nd ed. 1415.

31. Sibahat al-Fikr fi al-Jahri bi al-Dhikr. The gliding thoughts on the topic of loudness in invocations. By Imam al-Lucknowi. 2nd ed.

32. Qafwi al-Athar fi Safwi `Ulum al-Athar. Following the tracks: or, serenity in the sciences of tradition. By Ibn al-Hanbali al-Hanafi of Aleppo.

33. Bulghat al-Arib fi Mustalah Athar al-Habib. Sufficiency for the intelligent student concerning the terminology of the tradition transmitted from the Beloved. By the hafiz al-Murtada al-Zabidi.

34. Jawab al-Hafiz `Abd al-`Azim al-Mundhiri `an As’ilat fi al-Jarh wa al-Ta`dil. The reply of the hadith master al-Mundhiri to questions concerning narrator-authentication.

35. Umara’ al-Mu’minin fi al-Hadith. The Commanders of the faithful in hadith [the only rank above that is of hafiz or hadith master]. By Shaykh Abu Ghudda..

36. Tuhfat al-Akhyar bi Ihya’ Sunnat Sayyid al-Abrar. The gems of the elite in giving life to the ways of the Master of the Pious. By Imam al-Lucknowi.

37. Nukhbat al-Anzar `ala Tuhfat al-Akhyar. The best of observations on “The Gems of the Elite.” By Imam al-Lucknowi.

38. al-Tibyan li ba`d al-Mabahith al-Muta`alliqa bi al-Qur’an. The explanation on some researches pertaining to the Qur’an. By Shaykh Tahir al-Jaza’iri.

39. Tawjih al-Nazar ila Usul al-Athar. Focusing thought on the principles of hadith science. By Shaykh Tahir al-Jaza’iri.

40. Safhatun Mushriqatun min Tarikh Sama` al-Hadith `inda al-Muhaddithin. A Bright pages from the history of narration-audition among hadith scholars. By Shaykh Abu Ghudda..

41. al-Isnad min al-Din. The chain-narratorsn system is an integeral part of the Religion of Islam. By Shaykh Abu Ghudda..

42. al-Sunna al-Nabawiyya wa Bayan Madluliha al-Shar`i wa al-Ta`rif bi Hal Sunan al-Daraqutni. The Prophets Sunna and its legal usage. Followed by the determination of the position of Daraqutni’s “Traditions of the Prophet”. By Shaykh Abu Ghudda..

43. Tahqiq Ismay al-Sahihayn wa Ism jami` al-Tirmidhi. The verification of the titles of Bukhari and Muslim’s compendings refered to as “al-Sahih”. By Shaykh Abu Ghudda..

44. Manhaj al-Salaf fi al-Su’al `an al-`Ilm wa fi Ta`allum ma Yaqa`u wa ma lam yaqa`. The method of the early Muslims in enquiring about science and in learning about what could take place or has not taken place. By Shaikh Abu Ghudda..

45. Min Adab al-Islam. Islamic Manners. By Shaikh Abu Ghudda..

46. Zafar al-Amani fi Sharh Mukhtasar al-Sayyid al-Sharif al-Jurjani fi Mustalah al-Hadith. The triumph of aspirations: a commentary on the Sharif al-Sayyid al-Jurjani’s “Abridgment” in hadith terminology. By Imam al-Lucknowi. 800 p.

47. Tashih al-Kutub wa sun` al-Faharis al-Mu`jama wa Sabq al-Muslimin al-Ifranj Fiha. Proof-editing and indexing books; How Muslims preceded the West. By Sh. Ahmad Shakir.

48. Tuhfat al-Nussak fi Fadl al-Siwak. The gem of devotees on the merits of the toothstick. By the savant and faqih `Abd al-Ghani al-Ghunaymi.

49. Kashf al-Iltibas `amma awradahu al-Imam al-Bukhari `ala ba`d al-Nas. Clarification of judgements took by Imam Bukhari on some people.

50. Risalat ibn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawani fi al-`Aqida al-Islamiyya allati Yunashsha’u `Alayha al-Sighar. Ibn Abi Zayd of Qayrawan’s “Epistle” on basic Islamic doctrine to be taught the young.

51. al-Tahrir al-Wajiz fi ma Yabtaghih al-Mustajiz. The concise introduciton on the duties of one who receives a permission to narrate hadith [ijaza]. By Imam Mohammad Zahid al-Kawthari.

52. Kitab al-Kasb. The book of earnings and acquisitions. By Imam Mohammad al-Shaybani, with the commentary of the Sun of Imams al-Sarakhsi.

53. al-Hathu `ala al-Tijara wa al-Sina`a wa al-`Amal. The recommendation of engaging in trade, craftsmanship, and work. By Imam Abu Bakr Ahmad ibn Mohammad al-Khallal al-Hanbali.

54. Risalat al-Halal wa al-Haram wa ba`du Qawa`idiha fi al-Mu`amalat al-Maliyya. Treatise of the permitted and the forbidden and some of their respective basic principles with relation to financial transactions. By Shaykh Ibn Taymiyya.

55. Akhta’ al-doctor Taqi al-Din al-Nadwi fi Tahqiq Kitab Zafar al-Amani li al-lucknowi. Dr. Taqi al-Din al-Nadwi’s errors in his edition of al-Lucknowi’s book ” The triumph of aspirations.” By Shaikh Abu Ghudda..

56. Risalat al-Ulfa bayn al-Muslimin, Risalat al-imama fi jawaz al-iqtida’ bi al-mukhalif fi al-furu`. The treatise on harmony among Muslims an excerpt of Shaikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyya. Followed by the epistle on leadership in prayer and the permissibility of following one who differs in the branches of the law, by Ibn Hazm.

57. Risalat al-imam abi dawud al-Sijistani li Ahli Makkah fi Wasfi Kitabihi al-Sunan. Imam Abu Dawud of Sijistan’s epistle to the people of Mecca describing his book “The traditions of the Prophet.”

58. Risalat al-Hafiz al-Imam Abi Bakr al-Hazimi fi Shurut Kutub al-a’imma al-Khamsa. The epistle of the hadith master Imam Abu Bakr al-Hazimi concerning the criteria of authentication applied by the Five Imams [Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud, and Nasa’i].

59. Risalat al-Hafiz Mohammad ibn Tahir al-Maqdisi fi Shurut Kutub al-a’imma al-Sitta. The epistle of the hadith master Mohammad ibn Tahir al-Maqdisi concerning the criteria of authentication applied by the Six Imams [Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud, Nasa’i, and Ibn Majah].

60. al-Rasul al-mu`allim wa asalibuhu fi al-ta`lim. The Prophet-Teacher and his method of teaching. By Shaykh Abu Ghudda..

61. Namadhij min Rasa’il A’imma al-Salaf wa Adabihim al-`Ilmi wa Akhbarihim fi Adab al-khilaf. Examplars from the treatises of the early scholars and their scholarly manners and etiquette of disagreement. By Shaykh Abu Ghudda..


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