Islamic History

Sayyida Zainab bint Sayyidina `Ali (ر) By Admin

This is … [Read more...]

A Waterfall Under the Ka`bah By Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

In 1980, I … [Read more...]

Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ and Sayyida Khadijat al-Kubra ع By Hajjah Amina bint `Ayesha

Muhammad’s … [Read more...]

Three New Books: Sunna Notes Series By Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad

HADITH … [Read more...]

About Marriage to Ahl al-Bayt By Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad

Al-Tabarani … [Read more...]

Ibn Khafif By Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad

Ibn … [Read more...]

The Passing of the Prophet ﷺ By Hajjah Amina bint `Ayesha

The Holy … [Read more...]

The Battle of Hunayn By Hajjah Amina bint `Ayesha

Oh … [Read more...]

The Martyrdom of Sayyidina Hamza at Uhud By Hajjah Amina bint `Ayesha

The … [Read more...]

The Battle of Badr from Quran’ic Commentary (Tafsir ibn Kathir) By Admin

Ibn Hibban … [Read more...]

Companions of the Battle of Badr By Admin

The names … [Read more...]

The Great Battle of Badr By Hajjah Amina bint `Ayesha

In the … [Read more...]

Sayyidina Abdul-Qadir Jilani ق By Admin

Shaykh … [Read more...]

Placing Our Hopes in Allah Alone By Al-Habîb 'Umar bin Muhammad bin Sâlim bin Hafizh

Sayyidina … [Read more...]

Ten Characteristics of Wahabism By Admin

Shaykh Dr. … [Read more...]

Exposing a Wahhabi’s buhtaan (calumnies) against Hadith Narrators Past and Present By Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad

https://you … [Read more...]

Misguidance of Muhammad Asri Zainul Abidin Concerning Hadith – Penyelewengan MAZA Mengenai Hadis By Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad

A critical … [Read more...]

The Hijrah: From the House of Sayyidina Abu Bakr (r) to the Cave of Secrets By Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

Story: … [Read more...]

Sayyidina Ibrahim (as) Established the Holy House of Allah (swt) on Five Principles By Shaykh Nour Mohamad Kabbani

A`ūdhu … [Read more...]

Battle of the Trench By Hajjah Amina bint `Ayesha

As … [Read more...]

Dedication By Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

This book … [Read more...]

Ummahaatul-Mu’mineen (Mothers of the Faithful) and Children of the Prophet Muhammad (s) By Admin

شجرة نسب … [Read more...]

Story of Khalid ibn al-Waleed (r) seeking blessing in Prophet’s (s) hair By Admin

Ibn … [Read more...]

Islamic Doctrine (‘AQÎDA AHL AL-ISLÂM) [51] By Shaykh Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi

The … [Read more...]

Muhyiddin ibn `Arabi By Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad

A BRIEF … [Read more...]

Sultan Nurudin Zengi Protects the Grave of the Prophet (s) By Admin

The grave … [Read more...]

Rebellion against rulers in Islamic Law By Shaykh Seraj Hendricks

By: Shaykh … [Read more...]

Sulh Hudaybiyah By Hajjah Amina bint `Ayesha

an … [Read more...]

Sayyidina `Uthman’s Preservation of Qur’an By Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad

Imam … [Read more...]

Reality of the Treaty of Hudaybiyya By Admin

Lately a … [Read more...]

Jaliyat al-Akdar: Salawat of the Khalidi-Naqshbandi Grandmasters through the Companions of Badr By Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad

Jaliyat al … [Read more...]

The Greatest Tribulation By Admin

Abu … [Read more...]

Kissing a Sahabi’s Clothes for Baraka By Admin

فيها حصل … [Read more...]

The Birth of the Prophet Muhammed (s) and Infancy By Admin

Part 6 … [Read more...]

The One for Whose Sake Rain Is Sent (s) – أبيضَ يُستسقى الغَمَام بوجهه By Admin

أخرج ابن … [Read more...]

The Prophet’s (s) Predictions on the Martyrdom of Sayyidina al-Husayn (r) By Admin

قال … [Read more...]

How Sawaad bin Qaarib entered Islam By Admin

أخبرنا أبو … [Read more...]

Shaykh Umar bin Hafizh By Al-Habîb 'Umar bin Muhammad bin Sâlim bin Hafizh

Habib Umar … [Read more...]

WORDE: Empowering Egypt to Defeat Radical Islamism By Admin

A paper by … [Read more...]

The Lote-Tree of the Furthest Boundary (Sidrat al-muntaha) By Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

The … [Read more...]

The Seventh Paradise: Jannat al-Firdaws By Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

The … [Read more...]

The Sixth Paradise: The Garden of Eden (Jannat `Adn) By Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

The … [Read more...]

The Fifth Paradise: The Garden of Beauty and Felicity (Jannat al-Na`im) By Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

The … [Read more...]

The Fourth Paradise: The Sheltering Garden ( Jannat al-Ma’wa) By Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

Then … [Read more...]

The Second Paradise: the Abode of Constancy (Dar al-Qarar) By Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

Then … [Read more...]

The Third Paradise: The Abode of Eternity (Dar al-Khuld) By Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

The … [Read more...]

The First Paradise: The Abode of Peace (Dar as-Salam) By Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

The … [Read more...]

Sayyidina `Ali ibn Abi Talib (r) By Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad

`Ali ibn … [Read more...]

Sayyidina `Uthman ibn `Affan (r) By Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad

`Uthman … [Read more...]

On the Status, Method and Fallout of the Global Spread of Wahhabism By Admin

An … [Read more...]

Celebrating Mawlidu ‘n-Nabi (s) By Imam Jalaluddin as-Suyuti

In the … [Read more...]

Virtues of al-Hasan and al-Husayn (r) By Admin

حَدَّثَنَا … [Read more...]

Sayyidina `Uthman’s (r) Vision of Rasulullah (s) By Admin

  Holy … [Read more...]

The Noble Beard and Hair of the Prophet (s) By Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad

Bismillah … [Read more...]

Islamic Spirituality: the Forgotten Revolution By Shaykh Abd al-Hakim Murad

THE … [Read more...]

Imam Abu Hafs Umar bin Muhammad an-Nasafi By Admin

He was … [Read more...]

What is a Madhhab? Why Is It Necessary to Follow On? By Shaykh Nuh Ha Mim Keller

Q-News … [Read more...]

Uwais al-Qarani By Shaykh Muhammad Said al-Jamal ar-Rifai

Bismillah … [Read more...]

In Honor of Our Beloved Prophet (s) By Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

An … [Read more...]

The Twin Pillars of the Hanafi Madhhab: Qadi Abu Yusuf and Muhammad Shaibani By Admin

Qadi Abu … [Read more...]