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HomeIslamic TopicsIbadaat (Worship)Welcome Recitation for Ramadan

Welcome Recitation for Ramadan


a`udhu billahi min al-shaytan al-rajim
bismillah al-rahman al-rahim

marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahra ramadan
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-nur
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-fuqara’
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-du`a’i wa al-wuquf
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-ihsan
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-fawzi wa al-falah
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-da`wati wa al-irshad
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-masabiha wa al-qanadil
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-mala’ikati wa al-salam
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-mutheerati wa al-asabb
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-ajri wa al-jaza’
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-sa`ada
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-wasli wa al-wisal
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-qur’an
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-ijtima`
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-tawbati wa al-ruju`
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-fuqara’i wa al-du`afa’
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-`usat
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-munajati wa al-tasbih
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-tarawiha wa al-qiyam
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-khaza’ini wa al-kunuz
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-iftari wa al-suhur
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-du`afa’
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-sabri wa al-siyam
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-miftah
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-wadadi wa al-mahabba
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya sayyid al-shuhur
lam na`rif qadraka wa lam nahfaz hurmataka ya shahr al-ghufran
fa ardi `anna wa la tashku minna ila al-rahman
wa kun shahidan lana bi al-fadli wa al-ihsan


I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed satan
In the name of Allah the Merciful the Beneficent
Greetings and welcome O month of Ramadan
Greetings and welcome O month of the Qur’an
Greetings and welcome O month of light
Greetings and welcome O month of gathering
Greetings and welcome O month of the poor
Greetings and welcome O month of repentance and return
Greetings and welcome O month of invocation and standing in supplication
Greetings and welcome O month of the poor and the weak
Greetings and welcome O month of doing one’s best
Greetings and welcome O month of the sinners
Greetings and welcome O month of victory and success
Greetings and welcome O month of intimate discourse and glorification
Greetings and welcome O month of the call and the guidance
Greetings and welcome O month of rest-between-prayers and standing to pray
Greetings and welcome O month of lanterns and lights
Greetings and welcome O month of coffers and treasures
Greetings and welcome O month of angels and safety
Greetings and welcome O month of breaking fast and eating before the fast
Greetings and welcome O month of tilling and of deafness to sin
Greetings and welcome O month of the weak
Greetings and welcome O month of repayment and reward
Greetings and welcome O month of fast and patience
Greetings and welcome O month of felicity
Greetings and welcome O month of the key
Greetings and welcome O month of union and reunion
Greetings and welcome O month of friendship and love
Greetings and welcome O master of all months
We have not treated you according to your immense price
Nor truly sanctified you, O month of forgiveness,
But be pleased with us nevertheless, do not blame us before the Merciful,
And testify for us with grace and goodness!

More about the Blessed Month of Ramadan…