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HomeIslamic HistoryScholarsThree New Books: Sunna Notes Series

Three New Books: Sunna Notes Series




Series: Sunna Notes Volume 1 – Studies in Hadith & Doctrine

Author: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad

It pleased our bountiful Creator to make knowledge of Hadith and its ancillary sciences the exclusive characteristic of Muslim civilization. Alone among the nations that walked the face of the earth, this Umma received and kept this Divine trust together with the Last Testament the Qur’an to pass it on to posterity unchanged with an ever-refined array of disciplines for verification and authentication.

Among those disciplines, Hadith methodology and criticism ensured that nothing alien crept into the pure Prophetic Sunna as conveyed by upright and precise transmitters under the strict perusal of their peers and subsequent experts. When Ibn al-Mubarak was asked about the forged Hadiths he replied, “The giant scholars dispose of them!” Then he recited, ‘Lo! We, even We, have revealed the Reminder, and lo! We verily are its Guardian‘ (15:9). Thus he reiterated in the pithiest way that the Prophetic Sunna and authentic Hadith are part and parcel of the Final Revelation – which no Muslim denies! – and that the Lawgiver preserves His Dhikr through the surest human means imaginable.

The book also contains the translation of Imam Ibn Hajar al-`Asqalani’s Nukhbat al-Fikar.

ISBN: 9789547540422
227 pages

Series: Sunna Notes Volume 2 – Studies in Hadith & Doctrine

Author: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad

Sayyidina ‘Umar (r) during his caliphate gathered the multi-farious groups praying tarawih into a single congregation. Ubay ibn Ka‘b (r) said: ‘This was not done before!” Sayyidina ‘Umar (r) said “I am fully aware of this, but it is excellent!”
Nowhere in the field of Islamic jurisprudence is a blatant tampering with the truth felt more than in the re-definition of “Sunna” and “bid‘a”. The understanding of for these terms is arrogantly cast aside. The crystal-clear distinction of the pious Salaf such as Imam al-Shafi‘i, “Bid‘a is of two kinds; praiseworthy innovation and blameworthy innovation” is being abandoned, while later, controversial figures are invoked as “more representative of the Salaf”. The discourse on right and wrong has been perverted and entire generations of Muslims have been weaned on these false notions. Choice victims for this campaign of disinformation in our time are Muslims in the West.
The intent of this book is to do away with these perilous misconceptions and to present over 160 proofs for the Sunni understanding of Sunna and bid‘a as set forth in classical, moderate, mainstream Islam according to the Sunni Salaf and Khalaf, including the four Schools of Fiqh. Additionally, the book provides case studies on topics such as collective supplication, partitions for women in mosques, and proofs for visitation of graves by women. 

The book also contains the translation of Imam Ibn Hajar al-ʿAsqalani’s explanation of the Hadith on Islam, Iman and Ihsan also known as Gibril’s hadith from the Fathul-Bari.

ISBN: 9781938058790
276 pages

Series: Sunna Notes Volume 3 – Studies in Hadith & Doctrine

Author: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad

‘The Sunna is the first subsidiary source (masdar farʿi) after the Qur’an among the sources of Islamic law. We describe it as a subsidiary source because it is the Qur’an that actually indicated that it is a source, and the basis of everything is the Qur’an. The Qur’an commanded us to follow the messenger of Allah: therefore we follow the messenger of Allah.’

~Shaykh Muhammad Saʿid Ibn Mulla Ramadan al-Buti

“The meaning of the expression Binding Proof of the Sunnah is that the Sunna points to the judgment of Allah Most High, either as definitive knowledge (ʿilm) or as as probable knowledge (zann), bringing it out and disclosing it for us. We understand the Divine rulings by means of the Sunna and it becomes binding upon us to put its content into practice, So the real meaning of the Sunna as binding proof is exposition and proof-inference necessitating obligatory practice of their results because the latter is the Divine decision.”

~Dr. ʿAbd al-Ghani ibn ʿAbd al-Khaliq

The book also contains the translation of Ibn Rajab’s The Sunna of the Caliphs.

ISBN: 9781938058806
228 pages

Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad is author of Four Imams and Their SchoolsThe Musnad of Ahl al-Bayt and The Muhammadan Light among other works. Among his translations to English from Arabic are: Qadi Yusuf an-Nabahani’s The Prophet Muhammad’s Knowledge of the Unseen, the acclaimed The Lights of Revelation and the Secrets of Interpretation: Hizb One of the Commentary on the Quran by Imam al-Baydawi, Ibn Khafif’s Correct Islamic Doctrine, Ibn `Arabi’s Doctrine of the Muslims, Shaykh Muhammad ibn `‘Alawi al-Maliki’s The Prophet’s Night Journey and Heavenly Ascent and many other esteemed works.