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HomeIslamic TopicsTafsir (Quranic Exegesis)Allah's Prayers Upon the Believers

Allah’s Prayers Upon the Believers

قوله تعالى : هو الذي يصلي عليكم وملائكته ليخرجكم من الظلمات إلى النور وكان بالمؤمنين رحيما .قوله تعالى : هو الذي يصلي عليكم قال ابن عباس : لما نزل إن الله وملائكته يصلون على النبي قال المهاجرون والأنصار : هذا لك يا رسول الله خاصة ، وليس لنا فيه شيء ،

Allah Almighty’s saying: “He is the one who prays upon you and His angels to bring you out of darkness into the light. And He is merciful to the believers.” (Surat al-Ahzab, 43)

Regarding Allah Almighty’s saying: “He is the one who prays upon you” Ibn Abbas (r) said: When it was revealed that God and His angels pray upon the Prophet, the Immigrants (Muhajireen) and the Supporters (Ansar) said: “This is specifically for you, O Messenger of God, and it does not apply to us.”

فأنزل الله تعالى هذه الآية .قلت : وهذه نعمة من الله تعالى على هذه الأمة من أكبر النعم ، ودليل على فضلها على سائر الأمم

Therefore Allah Almighty revealed this verse. I [ibn `Abbas] said: “This is one of the greatest blessings from Allah Almighty upon this nation, and evidence of its superiority over all other nations.”

. وقد قال : كنتم خير أمة أخرجت للناس .

For He (swt) said: “You were the best nation raised for mankind.” (Surat Aali-`Imraan, 110)

والصلاة من الله على العبد هي رحمته له وبركته لديه . وصلاة الملائكة : دعاؤهم للمؤمنين واستغفارهم لهم ، كما قال : [ ص: 181 ] ويستغفرون للذين آمنوا وسيأتي .

The prayer from God upon the servant is His mercy and blessing for him. And the prayer of the angels: their supplication for the believers and their seeking forgiveness for them, as He said: “And they ask forgiveness for those who believe” [Surah Sad, 181] and it will be granted.

وفي الحديث : أن بني إسرائيل سألوا موسى عليه السلام : أيصلي ربك جل وعز ؟ فأعظم ذلك ، فأوحى الله جل وعز : ( إن صلاتي بأن رحمتي سبقت غضبي ) ذكره النحاس .

In a hadith: The Children of Israel asked Moses, peace be upon him: Does your Lord, the Almighty and Majestic, pray? So this was something immense, so Allah Almighty revealed: “My prayer is that My mercy precedes My anger.” This was mentioned by Al-Nuhaas.

وقال ابن عطية : وروت فرقة أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قيل له : يا رسول الله ، كيف صلاة الله على عباده . قال : ( سبوح قدوس – رحمتي سبقت غضبي ) . واختلف في تأويل هذا القول ، فقيل : إنه كلمة من كلام الله تعالى وهي صلاته على عباده . وقيل سبوح قدوس من كلام محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم وقدمه بين يدي نطقه باللفظ الذي هو صلاة الله وهو ( رحمتي سبقت غضبي ) من حيث فهم من السائل أنه توهم في صلاة الله على عباده وجها لا يليق بالله عز وجل ، فقدم التنزيه والتعظيم بين يدي إخباره .قوله تعالى : ليخرجكم من الظلمات إلى النور أي من الضلالة إلى الهدى . ومعنى هذا التثبيت على الهداية ، لأنهم كانوا في وقت الخطاب على الهداية . وكان بالمؤمنين رحيما .

Ibn Attiyah said: A group narrated that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, was told: O Messenger of God, how is God’s blessings upon His servants? He said: “Glory be to Him, Holy – My mercy precedes My wrath.”

There was a difference in the interpretation of this saying, and it was said: It is a word from the words of God Almighty, which is His blessings upon His servants. It was said that “Glory be to Him, Holy” are from the words of Muhammad (s) and he presented it before his pronouncement of the word which is God’s prayer [upon the believers], which is (“My mercy precedes my wrath“) in terms of the questioner’s understanding that he imagined that God’s blessings upon His servants were an aspect that not befitting Allah Almighty, so he presented His exaltation and glorification before what He said. The Almighty says: “To bring you out of darkness into light,” meaning from error to guidance. The meaning of this is to remain firm on guidance, because at the time of the speech they were on guidance. “And He was merciful to the believers.”