Friday, March 28, 2025

Du`a at `Arafat

5 November, 2011, Plain of Arafat

Any gathering here, in this area particularly, is equal to 100,000 gatherings for the sake of Allah (swt) anywhere else. This dhikr is equal to 100,000 dhikr gatherings. The dhikr we made at Ka`bah is also equal to 100,000.

Inshaa-Allah, all those who came with us from anywhere around the world under Mawlana [Shaykh Nazim’s] name, and those who are not here, are dressed with the blessings of Hajj al-Akbar.

The Prophet (s) prayed Zhuhr and `Asr combined in Masjid Namirah, which we just did earlier, and then after that he would come here and make his du`a. So, we will read the du`a now and then we will be finished. 
O Allah! We are coming to you with the du`a of `Arafat, so do not turn us away from Your door disappointed!

DU`A ARAFAH [English translation follows]

لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له. له الملك وله الحمد يحيى ويميت وهو حي لا يموت بيده الخير وهو على كل شيء قدير. اللهم أنك وفقتني وحملتني على ما سخرت لي حتى بلغتني بإحسانك إلي زيارة بيتك والوقوف عند هذا المشعر العظيم اقتداء بسنة خليلك واقتفاء بآثار خيرتك من خلفك سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم وأن لكل ضيف قرى ولكل وفد جائزة ولكل زائر كرامة ولكل سائل عطية ولكل راج ثوابا ولكل ملتمس لما عندك جزاء ولكل راغب إليك زلفة ولكل متوجه إليك إحساناً وقد وقفنا بهذا المشعر العظيم رجاء لما عندك فلا تخيب إلهنا رجاءنا فيك يا سيدنا يا مولانا يا من خضعت كل الأشياء لعزته وعنت الوجوه لعظمته.

اللهم إليك خرجنا وبفنائك أنخنا وإياك أملنا وما عندك طلبنا ولإحسانك تعرضنا ولرحمتك رجونا ومن عذابك أشفقنا ولبيتك الحرام حججنا يا من ليس معه رب يدعى ولا إله يرجى ولا فوقه خالق يخشى ولا وزير يؤتي ولا حاجب يرشى يا من لا يزداد على السؤال إلا كرماً وجوداً وعلى كثرة الحوائج إلا تفضلا وإحسانا. يا من ضجت بين يديه الأصوات بمختلف اللغات يسألونك الحاجات وسكبت الدموع بالعبرات والزفرات ملحين بالدعوات فحاجتي إليك يا رب مغفرتك ورضاء منك علي لا سخط بعده وهدى لا ضلال بعده وعلما لا جهل بعده وحسن الخاتمة والعتق من النار والفوز بالجنة وأن تذكرني عند البلاء إذا نسيني أهل الدنيا وواروني التراب وانقطع عني الأحباب وتقطعت بي الأسباب يا عزيز يا وهاب يا أرحم الراحمين.

اللهم إنك ترى مكاني وتسمع كلامي وتعلم سري وعلانيتي ولا يخفي عليك شيء من أمري، أنا البائس الفقير المستغيث الوجل المشفق المقر المعترف بذنبه أسألك مسألة المسكين وابتهل إليك ابتهال المذنب الذليل وأدعوك دعاء الخائف الضرير دعاء من خضع لك عنقه وذلك لك جسده وفاضت لك عيناه ورغم لك أنفه لا تجعلني بدعائك رب شقيا وكن بي رؤوفا رحيماً يا خير المسؤلين ويا خير المعطين رب اهدنا بالهدى وزينا بالتقوى واغفر لنا في الآخرة والأولى.

اللهم اجعل في قلبي نوراً وفي لساني نوراً وعن يميني نوراً وعن يساري نوراً ومن فوقي نوراً ومن تحتي نوراً ومن أمامي نورا ومن خلفي نورا واجعل في نفسي نورا واعظم لي نورا. رب اشرح لي صدري ويسر لي أمري. اللهم أني أسألك الهدى والتقوى والعفاف والغنى. اللهم لك الحمد كالذي تقول وخيرا مما نقول. اللهم أني أسألك رضاك والجنة وأعوذ بك من سخطك والنار وما قرب إليها من قول أو فعل أو عمل

اللهم اجعل حجا مبروراً وذنباً مغفوراً وعملا صالحا مقبولا. ربنا أتنا في الدنيا حسنة وفي الآخرة حسنة وقنا عذاب النار. إلهي لا قوة لي على سخطك ولا صبر لي على عذابك ولا غنى لي عن رحمتك ولا قوة لي على البلاء ولا طاعة لي على الجهد أعوذ برضاك من سخطك ومن فجاءة نقمتك يا أملي ويا رجائي يا خير مستغاث يا أجود المعطين يا من سبقت رحمته غضبه يا سيدي ومولاي يا ثقتي ورجائي ومعتمدي.

اللهم يا من لا يشغله سمع عن سمع ولا تشتبه عليه الأصوات يا من لا تغلطه المسائل ولا تختلف عليه اللغات يا من لا يبرمه إلحاح الملحين ولا تعجزه مسألة السائلين أذقنا برد عفوك وحلاوة مغفرتك يا أرحم الرحمين. اللهم إني قد وفدت إليك ووقفت بين يديك في هذا الموضع الشريف رجاءً لما عندك فلا تجعلني اليوم أخيب وفدك فأكرمني بالجنة ومن علي بالمغفرة والعافية وأجرني من النار فأدرا عني شر خلقك. انقطع الرجاء إلا منك وأغلقت الأبواب إلا بابك فلا تكلني إلي أحد سواك في أمور ديني ودنياي طرفة عين ولا أقل من ذلك وانقلني من ذل المعصية إلي عز الطاعة ونور قلبي وقبري وأعذني من الشر كله واجمع لي الخير كله يا أكرم من سئل وأجود من أعطى.

اللهم بنورك اهتدينا وبفضلك استغنينا. وفي كنفك وإنعامك وعطائك وإحسانك أصبحنا وأمسينا. أنت الأول فلا شيء قبلك والآخر فلا شيء بعدك والظاهر فلا شيء فوقك والباطن فلا شيء دونك نعوذ بك من الفلس والكسل وعذاب القبر ووسوسة الصدر وشتات الأمر وفتنة الغنى وأسألك موجبات رحمتك وعزائم مغفرتك والغنيمة من كل بر والسلامة من كل إثم والفوز بالجنة والنجاة من النار.

اللهم يا عالم الخفيات ويا سامع الأصوات يا باعث الأموات يا مجيب الدعوات يا قاضي الحاجات يا خالق الأرض والسموات أنت الله الذي لا إله إلا أنت الواحد الأحد الفرد الصمد الوهاب الذي لا يبخل والحليم الذي لا يعجل لا راد لأمرك ولا معقب لحكمك رب كل شيء ومليك كل شيء ومقدر كل شيء. أسألك أن ترزقني علماً نافعاً ورزقاً واسعاً وقلباً خاشعاً ولساناً ذاكراً وعملاً زكيا وإيماناً خالصاً وهب لنا إنابة المخلصين وخشوع المخبتين وأعمال الصالحين ويقين الصادقين وسعادة المتقين ودرجات الفائزين يا افضل من قصد وأكرم من سئل وأحلم من أعصى. ما أحلمك على من عصاك وأقربك إلي من دعاك وأعطفك على من سألك لا مهدي إلا من هديت ولا ضال إلا من أضللت ولا غني إلا من أغنيت ولا فقير إلا من أفقرت ولا معصوم إلا من عصمت ولا مستور إلا من سترت أسألك أن تهب لنا جزيل عطائك والسعادة بلقائك والمزيد من نعمتك وآلائك وأن تجعل لنا نوراً في حياتنا ونوراً في مماتنا ونوراً في قبورنا ونورا في حشرنا ونوراً نتوسل به إليك ونوراً نفوز به لديك فإنا ببابك سائلون وللقائك راجون.

اللهم اجعل خير عمري آخره وخير عملي خواتمه وخير أيامي يوم لقائك. اللهم ثبتني بأمرك وأيدني بنصرك وارزقني من فضلك ونجني من عذابك يوم تبعث عبادك فقد أتيتك لرحمتك راجيا وعن وطني نائبا ولنسكي مؤدياً ولفرائضك قاضيا ولكتابك تالياً ولك داعياً ومن قسوة قلبي شاكيا ومن ذنبي خاشياً ولنفسي ظالما وبجرمي عالما دعاء من جمعت عيوبه وكثرت ذنوبه وتصرمت آماله وبقيت آثامه وانسكبت دمعته وانقطعت عدته دعاء من لا يجد لذنبه غافراً غيرك ولا لمأموله من الخيرات معطيا سواك ولا لكسره جابراً إلا أنت يا أرحم الراحمين ولا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله العلي العظيم.

اللهم لا تقدمني لعذابك ولا تؤخرني لشيء من الفتن. مولاي هاأنا أدعوك راغباً وانصب إليك وجهي طالباً وأضع لك خدي مهينا راهباً فتقبل دعائي واصلح الفاسد من أمري واقطع من الدنيا همي وحاجتي واجعل فيما عندك رغبتي واقلبني منقلب المذكور عندك دعاؤهم القائمة حجتهم والمغفور ذنبهم المبرور حجهم والمحطوط خطاياهم الممحو سيئاتهم الراشد أمرهم منقلب من لا يعصي لك أمراً ولا يأتي بعده مأثماً ولا يحمل بعده وزرا. منقلب من عززت بذكرك لسانه وطهرت من الادناس بدنه واستودعت الهدى قلبه

وشرحت بالإسلام صدره وأقررت برضاك وعفوك قبل الممات عينه وغضضت عن المآثم بصره واستعملت في سبيلك نفسه وأسألك أن لا تجعلني أشقى خلقك للمذنبين عندك ولا أخيب الراجين لديك ولا أحرم الأملين لرحمتك ولا أخسر المنقلبين من هذا الموقف العظيم مولاي رب العالمين. اللهم وقد دعوتك بالدعاء الذي علمتنيه فلا تحرمني الرجاء الذي عرفتنيه يا من لا تنفعه الطاعة لا تضره المعصية وما أعطيتني مما أحب فاجعله لي عونا فيما تحب واجعله لي خيراً وحبب طاعتك لي والعمل بها كما حببتها إلي أوليائك حتى رأوا ثوابها وكما هديتني للإسلام فلا تنزعه مني حتى تقبضني إليك وأنا عليه.

اللهم حبب إلي الإيمان وزينه في قلبي وكره إلي الكفر والفسوق والعصيان واجعلني من الراشدين. اللهم اختم بالخيرات آجالنا وحقق بفضلك آمالنا وسهل لبلوغ رضاك سبلنا وحسن في جميع الأحوال أعمالنا يا منقذ الغرقى يا منجي الهلكى يا شاهد كل نجوى يا منتهى كل شكوى يا قديم الإحسان يا دائم المعروف يا من لا غنى لشيء عنه ولابد لكل شيء منه يا من رزق كل شيء عليه ومصير كل شيء إليه إليك رفعت أيدي السائلين وامتدت أعناق العابدين نسألك أن تجعلنا في كنفك وجودك وحرزك وعياذك وسترك وأمانك.

اللهم أنا نعوذ بك من جهد البلاء ودرك الشقاء وسوء القضاء وشماتة الأعداء وسوء المنظر والمنقلب في الأهل والمال والولد اللهم لا تدع في مقامنا هذا ذنباً إلا غفرته ولا هما إلا فرجته ولا غائبا إلا رددته ولا كربا إلا كشفته ولا دينا إلا قضيته ولا عدواً إلا كببته ولا خله إلا سددتها ولا فساداً إلا أصلحته ولا مريضاً إلا عافيته ولا حاجة من حوائج الدنيا والآخرة لك فيها رضا ولنا فيها صلاح إلا قضيتها فإنك تهدي السبيل وتجبر الكسير وتغني الفقير.

اللهم أنه لابد لنا من لقائك فاجعل عندك عذرنا مقبولا وذنبنا مغفورا وعملنا وسعينا مشكورا. أصبح وجهي الفاني مستجيراً بوجهك الباقي القيوم ذي العزة والجبروت. اللهم لا يمنعني منك أحد إذا أردتني ولا يعطيني أحد إذا حرمتني فلا تحرمني بقلة شكري ولا تخذلني بقلة صبري. اللهم اجعل الموت خير غائب ننتظره والقبر خير بيت نعمره واجعل ما بعده خيرا لنا منه. رب اغفر لي ولوالدي ولأبنائي ولأخوتي ولأخواتي ولأخواني وأهل بيتي وذريتي وللمؤمنين والمؤمنات والمسلمين والمسلمات الأحياء منهم والأموات.

اللهم أني أسألك إيماناً يباشر قلبي ويقينا صادقا حتى أعلم أنه لا يصبني إلا ما كتبت لي ورضني بقضائك وأعني على الدنيا بالعفة والقناعة وعلى الدين بالطاعة وطهر لساني من الكذب وقلبي من النفاق وعملي من الرياء وبصري من الخيانة فإنك تعلم خائنة الأعين وما تخفي الصدور

ربنا أتنا في الدنيا حسنة وفي الآخرة حسنة وقنا عذاب النار واغفر لنا ولوالدينا ولوالدي والدينا وذريتنا وأخواتنا وأهلنا والحاضرين والغائبين من المسلمين أجمعين برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين


There is no god but Allah, only Him, without any partners. To Him belongs the dominion and praise. He gives life and death. He is The Eternally Living Who never dies. In His hands is all good and He is All-Powerful over all things.

O Allah, You have facilitated and carried me through all that You have given me until You delivered me through Your Bounty to visit Your House and stand at the threshold of this great ritual, following the way of Your Khaleel, Friend, and adhering to the relics of the Best from Your Creation, our Master Muhammad (s).

Indeed, every guest deserves a fire of hospitality; every delegation has a reward; every visitor is shown a generosity; everyone with a need is given; everyone seeking is rewarded; everyone desiring what You have will be rewarded; everyone wanting You is given nearness and everyone who directs themselves towards You is shown beauty.
And here we are: we have stood at the threshold of this great ritual seeking what You have, so do not disappoint, O our Lord, our hope in You! Our Master, our Guardian, The One to whose majesty all things have bowed, and to whose greatness all faces have been lowered!

O Allah, for Your sake we have left our homes, at Your court we have submitted. You are our hope. What You have we have sought, to Your Generosity we have exposed ourselves, for Your Mercy we hope, from Your Punishment we have sought refuge, and to Your Holy House we have come as pilgrims.

O You, alongside whom there is no other lord to be called upon, another god to be sought, nor above whom is there a creator to be feared, nor a minister to be approached, nor a middleman to be bribed!
O You, who only increases in generosity and beneficence the more he is asked, and who only grants more in beauty and bountifulness as needs increases!
O You, between whose hands all the voices, in their different languages, have elevated. They ask You their needs, and tears have been shed with expressions, exhalations, insistent in supplications.

My need for You, our Lord, is Your Forgiveness. I seek a contentment from You after which there is no anger, a guidance after which there is no misguidance, a knowledge not followed by ignorance, a good ending, salvation from the fire and attaining Paradise.

I ask that You remember me during calamities, when people of this world will forget me, and when dust will surround me, loved ones will depart from me and all causes are cut off from me, O Exalted One, Giver of Gifts, the Most Merciful of the Merciful!

O Allah! You see my place, hear my speech, know my secret and outward. Nothing from my affair is hidden from You. I am the miserable one, the impoverished one, the one seeking Your Salvation, the humbled one who acknowledges and admits his sins.

I ask You in the manner of the weak and direct myself to You in the manner of the lowly sinner. I supplicate to You the supplication of the one who is fearful and wounded and one who submitted their neck to You, as well as their body, and one whose eyes have overflowed for You and lowered their honor for You. Do not make me arrogant in supplicating to You, and be gentle and merciful with me, O Best of those who are asked and Best of Givers! Our Lord, guide us with guidance, ornament us with piety and forgive us in the Hereafter and this life.

O Allah, make in my heart a light, in my tongue a light, on my right a light, on my left a light, above me a light, below me a light, in front of me a light, behind me a light. Make in my soul a light and make my light greater.
O Allah, expand my chest for me and ease my affair for me.
O Allah, I ask You guidance, piety, bashfulness and sufficiency.
O Allah, all praise is due to You as You have said, and better than what we say.
O Allah, I ask you Your Contentment and Paradise and seek refuge in You from Your Anger and Hellfire and whatever brings us closer to it of statements, actions, or deeds.

O Allah, make this an accepted pilgrimage, a forgiven sin, a righteous and accepted action. O our Lord, grant us goodness in this world, goodness in the Hereafter, and protect us from the Fire.
O Allah, I have no power over Your Anger, nor any patience amidst Your Punishment, any sufficiency from Your Mercy, any power during calamities or any obedience through my own strength.

I seek refuge through Your Contentment from Your Anger, and Your sudden tests. O my Hope and Destination, O the Best of those who is sought and Most Generous of givers. O You, whose Mercy has surpassed His Anger. O my Master and Guardian, my Trust and Hope and Dependence.

O Allah, Who is not preoccupied by any hearing from any other hearing, nor do voices become confusing for Him. O You, Who is not overwhelmed by the abundance of seekers or burdened by the questions of questioners. Let us taste the coolness of Your Clemency and sweetness of Your Forgiveness, O Most Merciful of the Merciful.

O Allah, I have come to You and stood between Your Hands in this honored place and time, seeking what you have, so today do not make me the most disappointed of your visitors, but be generous towards me with Paradise, and be bounteous upon me with forgiveness and good health, and save me from the Fire.

Keep the most evil from among Your Creation away from me. All hope has been cut save from You, all doors have closed save Yours, so do not leave me to other than You for a blink of an eye, or less than that, in the affairs of my religion and life. Move me from the humility of sins to the honor of obedience. Illuminate my heart and grave and protect me from all evil and gather for me all goodness, O Most Generous of those who are asked and Bounteous of those who give.

O Allah, through Your Light we have been guided, and through Your Bounty we have become sufficient. In Your Protection, Bounty, Gifts and Generosity we have reached our mornings and nights. You are the First before whom there is no other, and the Last after whom there is no other. You are the Outward above whom there is no other, and the Inward, more inward than whom there is no other.

We seek refuge in You from bankruptcy, laziness, the punishment of the grave, devilish whispers in the chests, distractions, the test of wealth. We ask You those things that bring Your Mercy and most exalted of Your Forgiveness, to obtain every worthy piety and salvation from every sin, to attain Paradise, be saved from the Fire.

O Allah, Who knows all that is hidden, who hears the voices, Who resurrects the dead, answers the supplications, fulfills needs, and Creator of the Earth and Heavens! You are Allah, there is no god but You, The One, Singular, Unique, Everlasting, Giver of Gifts who is never stingy, The Clement who never hurries. There is no obstacle for Your Command and nothing follows Your Rules. You are The Lord of all things, The King of all things and One Who measures all things.

I ask You to sustain me with beneficial knowledge, expansive sustenance, a fearful heart, a remembering tongue, a pure deed, sincere faith, and grant us the presence of sincere ones, the fear of present ones, the deeds of righteous ones, certainty of truthful ones, happiness of pious ones and ranks of victorious ones.

O Best of those who are intended and Most Generous of those who are asked and Most Clement of those who are disobeyed! How forgiving are You towards those who disobey You? How near are you to those who ask You? How gentle are You with those who seek You? No one is guided save the one whom You guide, and no misguided one save the one whom you allow to be misguided.

There is no rich save the one whom You have made wealthy and no impoverished save they whom You have made impoverished. There is no protected one save those whom You have protected, no safeguarded save those whom You have safeguarded. I ask You to grant us the best of Your Bounty, the happiness to meet You, more of Your Beneficence and that You make for us a light in our lives, deaths, graves, resurrection, and a light through which we can intercede to You, and a light through which we become victorious in Your Presence, for we are seekers at Your Door, hopeful in meeting You!

O Allah, make the best of my life its last, the best of my deeds its last, the best of my days those when I meet You. O Allah, make me firm upon Your Commands, and aid me with Your Victory and grant me from Your Bounty. Save me from Your Punishment on the day that You resurrect Your Servants, for I have come to You, seeking Your Mercy, leaving behind my home, fulfilling my rituals, completing your obligations, reciting Your Book, supplicating to You, lamenting the hardness of my heart, fearful of my sins, transgressing against my self, fully aware of my transgressions.

I supplicate as one whose faults have gathered, sins have increased, hopes have decreased, sins have remained, tears have flowed, means have ended. I supplicate as one who finds no one to forgive his sins save You, and no one to grant him goodness save You, no one to mend his brokenness save You, O Most Merciful of the merciful, and there is no power or means save through Allah, the Most High and Greatest.

O Allah, do not bring me closer to Your Punishment and do not leave me for any tribulations. O my Guardian, here I am calling You and seeking You. I put my face towards You, beseeching You, and I leave my cheek down for You in humility and fearfulness. So, accept my supplication, fix what is faulty in my affair, cut off my burdens and needs from this world and make what I desire that which You have. Turn me in the way of those who are remembered in Your Presence, with established proofs, forgiven sins, accepted pilgrimage and whose sins are erased, whose affairs are set straight. Turn me as one who will not disobey any of Your Commands, nor bring forth any more sins, nor carry any more burdens!

Turn me as one whom You have honored their tongue through Your Remembrance, and purified their body from filth, placed guidance in their heart, expanded their chest with Islam, made firm their eyes with Your Contentment and forgiveness before death, and directed their gazes away from sins, used their souls in Your Way. I ask that You do not make me the most miserable of Your sinful Creation in Your Presence, nor the most disappointed of those who are hopeful in Your Presence, nor the most deprived of those seeking Your Mercy, nor the most bereft of those who turn away from this great station, O my Guardian, The Lord of the Worlds!

O Allah, I have called upon You with the supplication that You have taught me, so do not deprive me of the hope that You have made known to me. O You, Who does not benefit from acts of obedience nor is he harmed by disobedience! What you have given me of those things that I love, make it for me an aid to fulfill what You love. Make it for me goodness and make obeying You beloved to me as well as practicing it, as You have granted Your Saints, until they perceived its reward. As you have guided me to Islam, do not deprive me of it until You take me back to You while I am adhering to it.

O Allah, make faith beloved to me and make it an ornament in my heart. Make disbelief, transgressions, and disobedience hateful to me and make me from those rightly guided ones.

O Allah, seal our lives, with goodness and fulfill our hopes with Your Bounty, facilitate our ways to reach Your Contentment, beautify in every state our actions, O You, Who saves the drowning ones, the Savior of those destroyed, O Witness of every supplication, and Destination of every need, O Ancient in bounty, Continuous in gifts!

O You, from Whom no one is sufficient, everyone needs. O You, to Whom belongs all our wealth, to whom returns all our destinies. To You are raised the hands of seekers, and to You have been lowered the necks of worshippers. We ask You to make us in Your Protection, Bounty, Guardianship, Salvation, Safe-guardianship and Security.

O Allah, we seek refuge in you from the struggle of calamities, ways of misery, an evil return and mockery of enemies, the bad ending in our families, wealth and children. O Allah, do not leave for us in this station a sin except You forgive it, a burden except You alleviate it, an absent one except You return them to us, a calamity except You make it disappear, any debt except You fulfill it, an enemy except You destroy it, friendship except You complete it, a corruption except You rectify it, anyone sick except You cure them, any need from the needs of this world or the Hereafter which has Your Contentment and our benefit except you fulfill it, for You are The One Who guides to the Right Way, mends the broken ones, and suffices the impoverished!

O Allah, we will definitely meet You, so let our excuse be accepted in Your Presence, our sins be forgiven, our deeds and rituals be accepted. My disappearing face has arisen seeking Your Subsistent Countenance, Everlasting with Exaltedness and Might. O Allah, no one can stand between me and You if You want me, and no one will give to me if You deprive me. So do not deprive me due to my lack of gratitude and do not disappoint me due to my lack of patience.

O Allah, make death the best of those absent ones for which we await, and make the grave the best abode in which we will live, and make whatever comes after it better for us. O my Lord, forgive me, my parents, my children, brothers, sisters, my household, my descendants, all believing men and women, and Muslim men and women, those living and dead.

O Allah, I ask you for a faith that directly enters my heart, a truthful certainty so that I know nothing befalls me except that which You have decreed for me. Make me content with Your Decree and aid me in this world through bashfulness, contentment, and in my religion through obedience. Make my tongue pure from lying, my heart from hypocrisy, my deeds from arrogance, my gaze from treason, for You know the treason of eyes and what chests hide.

O our Lord, grant us goodness in this world, and goodnessin the Hereafter, and save us from the punishment of the Fire. Forgive us, our parents, the parents of our parents, our descendants, siblings, families, all those present and absent from among the Muslims, through Your mercy, O Most Merciful of the Merciful.

May Allah send His Prayers and Salutations upon our Master Muhammad, His Family, and Companions.



Excerpted from Meccan Openings: A Pilgrim’s Guide to Divine Secrets