Yes, we know with positive knowledge that he is in Madina al-Munawwara - but in the state of BARZAKH. And that state, by the decree of Allah, is governed by laws other than phenomenal laws.
Al-Khumayyis claims that the seventeen Musnads of Imâm Abû H.anîfa, Allâh be well-pleased with him, were compiled after his time and are therefore attributed to him unreliably. This is like the claim of the non-Muslims and their ignorant acolytes that the h.adîth was compiled after the time of the Prophet, upon him blessings and peace
The condemnation by those who call themselves "Salafis" of the donation of the reward of Qur'an recitation to the deceased is another proof of an exaggerated and sectarian approach that deviates from the method and teachings of Ahl al-Sunna while claiming to uphold them, and we ask Allah for His protection from error.
Sahnun was his title. His name was actually `Abdu's-Salam. One of the shaykhs of the people of hadith reported that one of the shaykhs of North Africa said, "Sahnun was named after a sharp bird because of his sharpness in questions of fiqh."
Born in England, became a Muslim at the age of 19. He is married with two children. He comes from a distinguished family and his father was a famous architect. Abdal Hakim Murad has an MA in Arabic and Oriental Studies, and is a candidate for D. Phil.
Al-Junayd ibn Muhammad ibn al-Junayd, Abu al-Qasim al-Qawariri al-Khazzaz al-Nahawandi al-Baghdadi al-Shafi`i (d. 298). The Imam of the World in his time, shaykh of the Sufis and "Diadem of the Knowers," he accompanied his maternal uncle Sari al-Saqati, al-Harith al-Muhasibi, and others.
Abû Nu`aym, Ahmad ibn `Abd Allâh ibn Ahmad ibn Ishâq ibn Mûsâ ibn Mahrân al-Mihrânî al-Asbahânî or al-Asfahânî al-Ahwal al-Ash`arî al-Shâfi`î (336-430), the Imâm, erudite scholar, Sûfî, Shaykh al-Islâm, and major trustworthy hadîth Master.
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